March 2021 Provision
All of the staff are very much looking forward to having our Mount Pleasant family back together. It is essential that all children resume their schooling. Please read this opening information. If you have any questions do not hesitate to get in touch.
Please be reassured you that we have carefully planned for all children to return to school. As you know, we are well placed to ensure that things are as normal as possible for your children within the government safety measures which are still in place. The differences in practices are to ensure that your children and the school staff are as safe as possible. The Trust have had regular meetings and are more than happy with our plans and strategies.
Please follow the link below for comprehensive guidance that we have used to inform our decisions and complete the necessary risk assessments.
We have followed all the guidance and school will be ready to open for the children in Little Learners to Year 6 on
Monday, March 8th 2021
Class organisation: March 2021

The School Day, Dropping Off & Picking Up
School will be able to be accessed through the entrance on Newton Lane and Whitby Way. Please adhere to social distancing and do not congregate around the school gates or in the yard. It is a requirement that face coverings will be worn by staff and adults in situations where social distancing between adults is not possible. Again, to reduce the number of people on the school site at any one time, start times and finish times have been staggered. The times shown will be a temporary measure and will be subject to change as we return to normality in the future.

Outside each entrance point is a ‘hand over’ zone. This is to reduce the amount of adult to adult contact. Please respect this area. Under no circumstances should parents be entering the classrooms or the hand over zone. Markings will be on the yard (2 metres apart) for you and your child to wait.
Hand Hygiene
Hand washing & sanitising will still be frequent. We will be educating children on the importance of washing hands properly. We will also have anti-bacterial hand gel available in classrooms. We will aim for hands to be washed/sanitised as follows:
before leaving home (please support this at home)
on arrival to school
after using the toilet
after breaks and sporting activities
before and after eating any food including snacks
before leaving school
when arriving home (please support this at home)
School Lunch
School lunches will return. If you pay for your child’s lunch, please continue to do so, each week, on Sims Pay. For any log in queries, please contact the school office.
The free school meal vouchers will be discontinued. Those who are eligible for free school meals will still receive their meal at school. If you think that you may be eligible for free school meals and you’re not already receiving them, please contact the office.
There will a hot meal service in the hall which will be on a rota system throughout the week. If your child’s class is not in the hall, they will be provided with a ‘take-away’ lunch in their classrooms. The kitchen staff will prepare a range of picnic style lunch bags with a varied menu weekly. This will allow for distancing measures around school.
Classroom & Curriculum
The children will stay in their class bubbles and there will be no movement around school. The curriculum will be taught as it would have been with a full timetable of lessons. We will be planning a ‘catch up’ curriculum and will concentrate on ensuring the mental health and wellbeing of all children and particularly those who have not accessed school since lock down in March.
Visits / visitors
We have decided that we will focus on having visitors into school to provide curriculum enrichment during the summer term. School trips will hopefully resume in the summer term.
Home Learning
Homework and further learning will continue to be put on our school learning platform – Class Dojo.
Teachers will continue to be available through their Class Dojo messaging service or by ringing the school office. Please be aware that they will not be able to answer messages immediately as they will be teaching. If your child has to isolate for reasons relating to covid we will still provide work remotely as we have been doing.
Appointments / parents in school
For now, we ask that no parents attempt to enter school in any way, either through the main entrance or the entry / exit points in school. This is to safeguard the measures we have put in place to ensure the risks are as low as possible for our children, staff and community. The office staff are available on the phone. If you need to speak to someone in school, please phone to make contact and we will endeavour to find the best way to communicate. Due to the circumstances, teachers will not be available for lengthy conversations. Our Home School Mentors, Mrs Blackham or Mr Dyer will get back to you with any queries.
Behaviour Policy
Clearly, some adaptations to our behaviour policy are needed during this time. We will continue with the fabric of what we have always had: Code of Conduct, warning system and team points. However we feel that in the current climate, any threats, deliberate coughing on other children or derogatory comments made by children towards others will be treated incredibly seriously, as they are being in wider society. If this occurs you will be telephoned and asked to come into school immediately to collect your child.
Child's health & Medication
If your child has medication, please bring it to the office and complete a medicine administration form. It must be clearly labelled from a pharmacy. Care Plans are currently being updated. You will be contacted if you currently have a Care Plan that needs updating. If there are any changes to your child’s current health condition, please inform the office and make an appoitment to complete a Care Plan.
If we suspect a case of coronavirus, we will follow procedures in school and you will be telephoned immediately.
Attending School
Attendance at school is vitally important to ensure that your child has the maximum opportunity to catch up on work that has been missed over lockdown. If you have any concerns regarding attendaxnce, please contact school.
The usual attendance practice will be in place. If your child is ill, please contact the office. Please see our ‘Attendance Policy’ on the website.
Please be aware that all of this information may be subject to change due to the ever changing landscape and risk assessment processes.
Once again, thank you for your continued support during this uncertain time. Please stay safe and continue to follow the government’s guidance.
Individuals or groups of Self-Isolating Pupils / Whole School Closure
We have a step by step Contingency Plan, which in the event of a child/ren not able to attend school, they can still continue their learning at home. There is a clear expectation of the teaching materials the child/ren will have access to, as well as clear expectations of the child. Each class teacher will use a blended learning plan to ensure online learning resources matches their current year group and needs. The sessions recap previous knowledge and skills taught, as well as introducing new concepts. This is achieved through a range of digital methods: from virtual lessons / recorded sessions or 'live' lessons ensuring children have a rich and good learning experience. Our online platform (Class Dojo) ensures that tasks can be uploaded easily by the children which the teacher can mark and monitor and provide instant feedback for both children and parents/carers.
Contingency Plan Outline
Level 1 - In the event of individual child or small group (10 children or less) needing to quarantine for 10 days.
Level 2 - In the event of a year group lockdown
Level 3 - In the event of all classes in the school needing to go into lockdown (vulnerable & disadvantaged & key worker children still in school)